Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Here’s the thing, not all countries have this thing called “voting”. They don’t get to pick who makes the decisions in their countries (and don’t even try to tell me that we don’t either and use the Bush/Kerry ordeal as an example). (And if you don’t know what I’m referring to then you should be ashamed of yourself) Living in a place where you don’t get to pick who represents you is bad.

Voting is an awesome right that we have and it shouldn’t be taken lightly. And I just wanted to say, that if you don’t vote, you are a jackass! And I mean that with my entire being! If you don’t vote, you should not be allowed to be a citizen. There are plenty of people who live places where they can’t vote that would gladly change places. So I think if you don’t vote, you should have to do that. You change places with someone who wants to live here and then, in two years let me know what you think. Let me know how you feel about not being able to say what you think, or pray the way you want to pray, or even to not be able to not pray at all. Let me know how it feels to not be able to do what you want, or to be destitute. Let me know how it feels to be afraid that the government will swoop in and take all of your assets just because it can, or they don’t like something you said. Let me know how it feels to be told what to wear or what it’s like to be punished because YOU were raped. Let me know how it feels to watch a family member be taken from your house in the middle of the night and be executed because the government “thinks” they are involved with the opposition.

So get off your asses, and learn a little bit about our country and how it works. Look into who the candidates are, and pick someone because of what they believe and stand for. I don’t care how you vote, but just do it. Don’t make me embarrassed to be an American because I live in a country filled with ignorant non voting people! Don’t be a jackass!

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